
Showing posts from June, 2020

Speak less, Listen More

Be a good listener... anyone can talk but listening is the source of healing and learning... a few of us have this ability to listen patiently to others, we argue, judge or point out other's weaknesses, faults, shortcomings by leaving our own reflection... no matter how disgraceful others are, no matter how much they want you to lose everything but if something is meant to be yours, it will come to you as it is written by the greatest Planner of all...So, have faith in Him... and never ever lose it... even in the toughest time of all... believe me this is the only key to life...

Think Differently & Humanly

Don't lose your grace, your kindness, your compassion in this journey of life, where you may find such golden opportunities to make your life better, but never ever do it on the stake of other's loss... living in minimal lifestyle but living in peace is the only reward you will take away with you because no money, grades, GPAs, beauty or such temporary achievements can earn peace of mind and soul... atterns
Never ever compete with anyone no matter what the situation is, whether it's your academic life, professional life or personal life... I know the world teaches you to compete but do it against your ownself... compete with yourself, make yourself better day by day, month by month, year by year....